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Assets Over Cash


In the world of finance, we're often told to follow the crowd when it comes to investing. But what if the crowd is heading towards an uncertain fate? Let's explore this crucial difference in our approach to building wealth.

📖 The Tale of "The Cage Bird and the Bat"

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In this technologically advanced era, valuable life lessons from the past still hold great wisdom. One such lesson comes from the fable "The Cage Bird and the Bat" found in the Harvard Classics. The story revolves around a bird in a cage that sings only at night to avoid capture during the day. When a free-flying bat questions the bird's behavior, the bird explains its precautionary measure. The bat replies, "It is no use your doing that now when you are a prisoner: if only you had done so before you were caught, you might still have been free".

The message is clear: taking precautions when we are already in a crisis is futile. By then, we are already trapped. Precautions must be taken before the problems arise. Our world is rapidly moving towards a crisis, and though we may be caught in the net, we are not fully trapped in the cage yet. Economic bubbles are bursting – the stock market, the housing market, and the illusion of wealth based on credit.

Let's learn the principles from the teachings of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and focus on building your asset column!

✅ Buy Assets, Not Liabilities:

Remember, an asset puts money in your pocket, while a liability takes it out. When making financial decisions, consider whether the investment will generate income or simply drain your resources. Shift your mindset and prioritize acquiring income-generating assets to boost your financial well-being.

For example, instead of buying a luxurious car that only adds to your expenses, consider investing in a rental property that generates monthly rental income. This way, you have an asset that grows your wealth.

✅ Build Wealth, Not Just Net Worth:

Instead of solely focusing on your net worth (the value of your assets minus liabilities), shift your attention to building wealth.

Wealth is measured by how long you can sustain your lifestyle without relying on active income. By building alternative income streams through investments and businesses, you can create financial security and true freedom.

As an example, building a successful online business that generates passive income can provide you with the freedom to pursue your passions and spend time with loved ones without worrying about money.

✅ Buy Assets First, Luxuries Last:

As you progress on your financial journey, resist the temptation to indulge in luxurious purchases right away. Prioritize acquiring income-generating assets first, which can provide a steady stream of passive income. Use the income generated from your assets to fund the luxuries you desire. This approach allows you to enjoy the finer things in life without compromising your long-term financial well-being.

For instance, rather than immediately buying designer clothes or expensive vacations, focus on building a portfolio of dividend-paying stocks or real estate investments. The income generated from these assets can eventually fund your luxurious experiences.

✅ Always remember to PAY YOURSELF FIRST:

Before paying bills or expenses, set aside a portion of your income for savings and investments. This habit ensures you prioritize your financial future and build wealth over time. Don’t spend your time working for your company, pay tax to the government, pay interest to the bank, then pay yourself last.


Focus on building assets that WORK FOR YOU. Whether it's a successful business that runs without your constant involvement, royalties from creative works, income-generating real estate, or smart investments in stocks and bonds, these are the pathways to financial freedom.

About National Achievers Congress

Success Resources' hallmark event since 1993, the National Achievers Congress was the event that started it all with over 5,000 participants.

National Achievers Congress to tour around the world including Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa, Amsterdam, India, United Kingdom, Germany, Dubai, Taiwan, China and Philippines.

Many speakers have shared their stage for the past 30 years of National Achievers Congress including Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham, Les Brown, Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk, Nick Vujicic and many others. 

In a world where financial systems and cash are failing us, we must shift our focus towards creating assets. Some investments, like cryptocurrencies and stocks, offer short-term opportunities for gains, but they are volatile for long-term holding. On the other hand, hard assets like land provide long-term stability.

Inflation erodes the value of cash over time. Holding cash alone is losing its worth. Assets, however, retain value and can be sold or used to obtain cash when needed. It's essential to act now and shift our focus to acquiring assets rather than clinging to cash.

The most valuable assets are those that governments cannot create. Anything a government can produce becomes devalued over time. This is evident throughout history as many currencies have come and gone due to such actions. To navigate the changing financial landscape, we must prioritize creating and holding valuable assets over relying solely on cash. By understanding the difference and acting accordingly, we can protect ourselves from the ongoing devaluation of fiat currencies.

❌ Avoiding the Trap

Always consider the "future me" – the version of yourself in ten years who will judge the decisions you make today. Just as the bat advised the bird to sing at night before getting caught, we too should take precautionary actions.

Constantly seek timeless lessons from those who thought deeply and allowed their creativity to flourish. Their wisdom can guide us through challenging times.

We value each person who reads these articles, and we write with urgency because we believe challenging times lie ahead. The conventional texts and courses we've been taught advocate following the herd when investing. However, if the herd is rushing towards an uncertain fate, we have a choice – either get trampled or break free from the conditioned patterns and seek a better path.

Though the net is being drawn, we are not yet in the cage. Now is the time to devise our plans and embrace our freedom.

❗️ Important Note: Please DO NOT regard the recommendations found in this blog or any of our opinions on them as investment or tax advice.

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About National Achievers Congress

Success Resources' hallmark event since 1993, the National Achievers Congress was the event that started it all with over 5,000 participants.

National Achievers Congress to tour around the world including Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa, Amsterdam, India, United Kingdom, Germany, Dubai, Taiwan, China and Philippines.

Many speakers have shared their stage for the past 30 years of National Achievers Congress including Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Jay Abraham, Les Brown, Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk, Nick Vujicic and many others. 

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